Camping Collection

Camping Collection

Where you choose to locate your home away from home is an underrated decision in your hunt plan. Choosing a backcountry camp vs basecamp and which type of shelter you elect to bring along, should reflect your hunting style and hunt plan.

Camping Collection
  • Ch. 11 - Choosing Your Camp Type & Location

    When executing your plan, the first big decision you will face is what type of camp best suits the conditions & situations you want to hunt in. In this chapter, Randy focuses on the different types of camps and the benefits of each.

  • Ch. 13 - Backcountry Shelters

    Not all shelters are created equal. John breaks down the options based on experience level, terrain, and weather.

  • Ch. 14 - Backcountry Sleep Systems

    John considers your sleep system an extension of your clothing system. It is your last line of defense from the cold.

  • Ch. 5 - Lowering Risk in the Backcountry

    Going into the backcountry is inherently risky. Risk can change based on the team, their collective experience and skills.

  • Ch. 10 - Have a Plan & Stick To It

    You have spent much of the summer researching your hunt, learning more about elk, and building an e-scouting plan. Randy explains the crucial importance of sticking with that plan to achieve success in the field.

  • Ch. 9 - Backcountry Hydration

    Water is more essential than food. John details water sources, filtration and storage for maximum performance & survival.

  • Ch. 11 - Backcountry Stoves

    Stoves can bring your hunt back to life with warm food, a heat source, and water purification.

  • Ch. 8 - Backcountry Weather

    Weather can make or break your hunt if you’re ill prepared with poor clothing or shelter selections.